Future Spouses?

Are Rufus and Lily going to get married? That would be the implication of the episode title "Rufus Getting Married."

Rufus Getting Married?

It looks like Rufus and Lily are getting married ... as evidenced by the fifth episode of the new season being called "Rufus Getting Married." Yeah, we are good sleuths.

A Mover and Shaker

We're not sure what's going on here, but Serena sure looks good, whatever it is! The photo is taken from "Limitation of Life" from Season Three of Gossip Girl.

Dressed 2 Impress

Serena van der Woodsen in "Limitation of Life" from the third season of Gossip Girl. She's quite an attractive young woman, this girl.

Our Girl S

What do you suppose Serena is up to here? It's a photo from "Limitation of Life" from the third season of Gossip Girl.

The Big O

Olivia Burke, that is. Played by Hilary Duff. Are you excited that she is on the show now?

Dan and Olivia Picture

Dan and Olivia in "Limitation of Life" from the third season of Gossip Girl. What do you suppose they're talking about?

Serena and ... Someone

Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) in the fourth episode of the third Gossip Girl season. What do you think she's up to here?

The Body

Serena should really be nicknamed that for obvious reasons. Goodness.

Making Their Bid

What are Blair and Chuck bidding on? This is some serious product placement for Soethby's, whatever it is!

SD Pic

No, not San Diego. Just Serena and Dan. These sort of step-siblings to be are not together this season, they are just friends. But in the end, that's okay as well.

A Serena and Carter Pic

Serena van der Woodsen and Carter Baizen in a picture from Season 3 of Gossip Girl. This photo is from the third episode of the year, "The Lost Boy."

Gossip Girl Season 3 Quotes

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Chuck Bass, up to his old tricks.

Welcome back Upper East Siders. After a long hot summer away, I see it didn't take you long to dirty up the clean slates I gave you. My inbox is overflowing, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we?

Gossip Girl