Playing Dress Up

It's always fun. When you have a servant helping you especially.

All Hail Queen B.W.

Long live the queen, Gossip Girl fans. Long live the queen.

Lily and ...

Who's that guy in the background? He looks familiar.

The Gorgeous Blair

Blair looks simply stunning. Even more so than usual.

Vanessa is Back! Yes!

Try to contain the excitement.

Kissin' Cousins

Well, maybe they don't kiss. But we'd kiss either one. Just saying.

Charlie n' Serena

We don't know what Charlie's up to yet, but we already like her. Or at least her outfits.

The Loyal Servant

Poor Dorota. So maligned. So underappreciated. Except by us.

Blair and the Prince

This is about to get VERY interesting.

Blair Gets the Call

What's that call entail? We'll find out.

Lily in a Red Dress

A gorgeous dress at that. She's looking fab.

Reflection of Beauty

That's Blair to a T.

Gossip Girl Season 4 Quotes

Serena: So what does it say about Chuck?
Blair: I couldn't be less interested. Serena gives her a look. No new posts. He's been MIA since he left town this spring.
Serena: What does it say about us?
Blair: "Ooh la la! Paris is burning and Serena and Blair lit the match." Of course your flame is hotter than mine. Everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at Pierre Balmain.
Serena: And whose fault is that? B, just as many guys have flirted with you. I just happen to have a thing for French waiters.
Blair: And bartenders. And museum docents. Anyone on a Vespa or bicycle. Or wearing Zadig & Voltaire.

Serena: Blair what are you doing? We said we wouldn't check Gossip Girl all summer.
Blair: Summer's almost over.