Richard Calls the Shots - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 7

Richard calls the shots when he and the EMT sort through all the incoming patients. Richard is happy to have a solid place at the hospital again without his job being threatened.The hospital is his family, as are all the doctors in it, some moreso than others.
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Keeping the Peace - Grey's Anatomy

Bailey tries to keep the peace but chaos erupts on Grey's Anatomy. "Out of Nowhere" is eighth episode of the show's 14th season.
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Sharing Lovers

Nearly everyone is sharing the same lover except April who finds the whole situation awkward .
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Jo Reacts to Paul's Return

Paul returns and confronts Jo, and she is shocked to see him.
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Maggie and Jackson Work Together

Jackson and Maggie work together on a case and bond.
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Levi has to donate blood to a patient while working with Meredith
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The hospital is hacked and everything descends into chaos
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Family Rushes In - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

The family rushes in to be by the young boy's side, but are they suspected of something bad? could the parents be negligent somehow? How did they not know their kid was in the hospital until now? We'll have to see!
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Defiant Jackson - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

Whatever the details, Jackson isn't too pleased with this police officer standing guard like this. It looks like he may butt hands with the man because he doesn't like anything or anyone getting in the way of him tending to his patients regardless of the circumstances.
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Young Patient - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

A young patient has been admitted to the hospital, and whatever is going on with him, it will leave a lasting impression on doctors of GSM. It appears as though Jackson and April may be on the case, working alongside one another. Will the case involving their young patient bring up bad memories for them?
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Bailey in Charge - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

As Chief, Bailey is the highest line of communication that you can reach at GSM. With this very important and special case, she has no problem speaking to the EMT's bringing the young patient in, one on one. Bailey is all about her patients.
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Jackson is Stumped - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

This case is an engrossing one that will have everyone's attention, but Jackson appears genuinely stumped. I wonder what the logistics of the case are? Whatever the case may be, we can always trust Jackson to give it his all. Especially when it's a kind involved.
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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
