Left Behind - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Stephanie is left behind when the patient's father decides he has had it with the conversation.

Badass Residents - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Stephanie and Ben have some big decisions to make about their future. The opportunities are endless for GSM's best residents.

Chatty Siblings - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

All the best conversations happen at the nurse station. Amelia and Maggie have some of the best conversations.

Resident Swagger - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Ben strikes a pose like a model in this shot. Let us take a moment to appreciate Ben Warren in all of his glory.

Final Word - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Does the patient's father have the final word regarding his child being cared for by the staff of GSM? In this case, we hope not.

Happy Amelia - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Amelia is all smiles in this one. Is she finally in a good place in her work and personal life? Happy Amelia is the best Amelia.

Heated Consultation - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22

Stephanie tries to keep her cool and remain patient while dealing with the parent of a patient.

Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 22 Quotes

Meredith: Hey, it's me, do you want a giant tumor?
Amelia: Why would I want that?
Meredith: It's the one from my wall that Derek drew. I thought you might like it. It's in the hall.
Amelia: Is she cleaning?
Maggie: At 3:30?

Our skulls cushion our brains. Our ribcage guards our hearts. the body is built to protect our most vulnerable parts. At least, that's how it's supposed to work.
