Do I Know You?

George and Lexie chat as she wears an interesting outfit. We like watching these two interact. She is growing on us!

At a Crossroads

Failing his internship exam, cheating on his wife, possibly falling for his best friend... George O'Malley has been through a lot. Where will his character go next?

Forlorn George, Lexie

George and Lexie look a little bit sad in this picture. What for? We will soon find out in "Haunt You Every Day."

Lexie on the Phone

Maybe it's the love doctor? Seriously. Can we get a love interest for this girl already? We're getting to like Lexie.

Alex, Ava... and Norman

Alex treats Ava in the exam room... while the oldest, largest intern at the hospital (Norman Shales) looks on. Looks like a good scene!

Amish Lexie?

It's Halloween and Lexie Grey is certainly looking the part... of an Amish girl, or Raggedy Ann doll. Not sure which!

Dempsey in Paris

Patrick Dempsey takes a stroll through Paris, France - on his own, not as part of a movie scene. Though he looks the part. As always, he's terrific.

Patrick in Paris

Patrick Dempsey out and about in Paris, France. The actor did some sight-seeing, even if it looks as if he's on a movie set!

MerDer Trouble?

Meredith and Derek keep getting closer, only to be pushed apart. Is this trend ever going to end? Should we have faith?

Andrew Featherston

Sandra Oh and her reported new boyfriend, musician Andrew Featherston. Good to see she's happy and moving on!

Literally Losing Patients

That's a new one! Fortunately for Norman and Meredith, they were able to track down the woman they mistakenly told was dying. Seattle Grace settled this potential lawsuit early!

Norman Blows It

Reading the wrong chart, Norman sent home a patient who was dying... when she isn't. Meredith is not thrilled about it.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
