Derek Gets News

Derek gets news that could change things on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Owen Looks Bored

Owen looks bored with whatever is being said in this meeting on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Getting Called In

What were Owen and Derek called in for on Grey's Anatomy? "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Owen and Derek in a Rush

Owen and Derek chat but Derek looks in a rush on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Meredith's Turn Down the Aisle

It's Meredith's turn to walk down the aisle at April's wedding on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

The Wedding Begins

April's wedding begins on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Cristina's Turn

It's Cristina's turn to walk down the aisle at April's wedding on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Arizona Walks Down the Aisle

Arizona walks down the aisle at April's wedding on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

April's Wedding Day

April's wedding day finally arrives on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

In the Grey's Anatomy OR

We're in the Grey's Anatomy operating room for this photo. It is from the episode "Man on the Moon."

April and Sisters

April's sisters arrive to help celebrate her upcoming nuptials and quickly get on her nerves on Grey's Anatomy.

Romance at Work

Josephine and Alex share a little romance in the workplace on Grey's Anatomy. "Somebody I Used to Know" is the tenth episode of the show's tenth season.

Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Quotes

Cristina: Who's Dr. Boswell?
Callie: She's the woman Arizona slept with last night.

I'm not going anywhere. Me and this baby got Bailey stuff to discuss, don't we, Mr. Derek Bailey Shepherd? Yes, we do.


Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Music

  Song Artist
All Fall Down Garrison Starr iTunes
Tradition The Belle Game iTunes
Before I Ever Met You Banks iTunes