Being There for Alex

Josephine is by Alex's side at the hospital as he deals with his father's condition on Grey's Anatomy.

Trying to Calm Alex

Dr. Webber and Dr. Hunt do their best to calm Alex concerning the state of his father.

Alex Isn't Happy

Alex doesn't look happy with Dr. Hunt's answers when Grey's Anatomy returns on Thursday, Feb. 27th.

Will He Survive?

Will Alex's father survive when Grey's Anatomy returns? "Take It Back" is the 13th episode of the show's tenth season.

Alex is Devastated

Alex is devastated when he finds out about what happened to his father when Grey's Anatomy returns on Thursday, February 27th.

Will They Choose One Another?

After the events of April's wedding, will Arizona and Callie choose to move forward together on Grey's Anatomy?

Arizona and Callie's Future

Arizone and Callie have a serious conversation aboout their future on Grey's Anatomy. "Take It Back" is the 13th episode of the show's tenth season.

April Looks Thrilled

April looks thrilled that her wedding day has begun on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

A Beautiful Wedding

April's beautiful wedding begins on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Derek Gets An Offer

Derek gets an offer that could change everything on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Who is Getting an Offer?

Who is getting an offer on Grey's Anatomy? "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Happy With the Meeting

These two look happy with their meeting on Grey's Anatomy. "Get Up, Stand Up" is the 12th episode of the show's tenth season.

Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Quotes

Cristina: Who's Dr. Boswell?
Callie: She's the woman Arizona slept with last night.

I'm not going anywhere. Me and this baby got Bailey stuff to discuss, don't we, Mr. Derek Bailey Shepherd? Yes, we do.


Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Music

  Song Artist
All Fall Down Garrison Starr iTunes
Tradition The Belle Game iTunes
Before I Ever Met You Banks iTunes