
Dahlia is distracted by Jackson's beauty, and who can blame her?

A Round of Drinks - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 12

The interns let the hair down and have a good time when the doctors of GSM have an outing together at a bar. What are they celebrating? Better yet, how did the interns get an invite?

April Doesn't Give AF - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 12

It's a new April, can't say if she's improved or not, and this April doesn't give a damn. She's over everything.

Celebrations and Good Times - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 12

Richard and Catherine dance it out when all the doctors hang out and party together.

Ben Drops Everything

Ben is a devoted husband. He will drop everything when he finds out his wife is in surgery.

Maggie Means Business

Hell hath no fury like a pissed off, protective Maggie.

Bailey Makes Demands

Even when she's at amother hospital, Bailey calls all the Shots.

Miranda Has a Heart Attack

Miranda Has a Heart Attack, but fortunately, there's no tragic ending to this story. This time.

Father Figure - Grey's Anatomy

Richard has always been a father figure to Miranda Bailey. She's his prized mentee. When she has a heart-attack, he will be right by her side.

Defiant Jackson - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

Whatever the details, Jackson isn't too pleased with this police officer standing guard like this. It looks like he may butt hands with the man because he doesn't like anything or anyone getting in the way of him tending to his patients regardless of the circumstances.

Family Rushes In - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

The family rushes in to be by the young boy's side, but are they suspected of something bad? could the parents be negligent somehow? How did they not know their kid was in the hospital until now? We'll have to see!

All Eyes on Him - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10

Having a police officer by your bedside could be really bad or really good? What could have happened that led to this police officer to be posted and standing guard with this young patient during his hospital stay?