Assertive Levi - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 8

Levi has grown and is asserting himself throughout Grey's Anatomy Season 15.

Bold Move - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 8

Levi makes a bold move and kisses Nico back in the ambulance after sharing his feelings.

Coming Out - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 8

Levi comes out to Nico during the eight episode of Grey's Anatomy season 15.

Levi Schmitt - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 3

Jake Borelli as Levi Schmitt on the third episode of the 15 season of Grey's Anatomy.

Happy Ending - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 14

Owen is pleased and relieved when Betty survives an overdose that nearly cost her her life, and he has to adjust to Leo being taken away from him.

Worried Father - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 14

Britney's father, played by Kyle Secor, is worried about his daughter when she's rushed into the hospital after a mass overdose takes place and needs a surgery.

Nico Takes Pride in His Work

Nico is passionate about his work and he takes pride in it. Meanwhile, Levi is proof of him and in awe of his skills.

Amelia Hugs Teddy

Amelia hugs Teddy after Teddy saves not Betty's life when she's rushed into surgery after overdosing on meth.

Amelia Takes a Moment to Break Down

Amelia is trying to be supportive of everyone, but she has a moment to break down when Not Betty is brought into the hospital after an overdose.

DeLuca Tucks Mer In - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 14

DeLuca tucks Mer in after she breaks the hospital record for performing a surgery after 27 hours.

Link Saves Britney - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 14

Link rushes Not Betty into the hospital to get treated when the hospital is being flooded with patients after a mass overdose at a park.

Teddy and Richard Team Up - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 14

Teddy and Richard team up together to save Not Betty when she needs a heart surgery after overdosing on meth in a park.

Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Quotes

She's in Seattle and she doesn't call?


Meredith: DeLuca, what are you doing here?
DeLuca: Whatever you want. Dr. Grey.
Jackson: Morning.
Meredith: Jackson, what? No. You're with Maggie.
Jackson: Yeah but it's just a dream so it doesn't count.