Trish & Her Friends-Wedding Season - Hallmark Channel

Trish stood up at three of her friends' weddings.

Laurel & Sean's Wedding - Wedding Season - Hallmark Channel

Trish formed a connection with Sean's brother Ryan.

Stephanie Bennett in Wedding Season - Hallmark Channel

Stephanie Bennett stars as Trish Patterson in Wedding Season.

Wedding Season Key Art - Hallmark Channel

Wedding Season is the first of the Hallmark Channel's June Weddings.

Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Michelle: Why do they think you could write well about weddings? You are allergic to the subject.
Trish: I think they can be a little too commercial sometimes.
June: It is a little odd.
Laurel: Remember when you said marriage was the only time you needed a license to go to prison?
Trish: Did I say that?

Sean: Why don’t we cut Trish some slack, Michelle? She’s overwhelmed with bridesmaid duties.
Michelle: Did my sensitivity chip go offline?