Unexpected Photo

A great moment from the episode "Unexpected."

Another Kill

Sylar is at it again, this time for super hearing


Ted and his powers

Invisible and Flying

Peter saves Claude's life

Goodbye, Ando!

This is Hiro's mission


Ted and Parkman confront Mr. Bennet


A pretty ring for a pretty Parkman

Heroes Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Claude Rains: Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution-married up various permutations to get maximum potential.
Peter Petrelli: What do you mean by that, 'maximum potential'?
Claude Rains: I think he meant you, friend.

Peter Petrelli: [Looking at painting of Simone and Isaac together] This is why you sent them after me, jealousy? With me out of the way you'd have Simone all to yourself.
Isaac Mendez: You stole her away from me! But I did it to save New York, to stop the bomb.
[He aims his gun at Peter]
Isaac Mendez: I can do it right now. Just one bullet and I can be a hero.
Peter Petrelli: [Turning invisible] You're not a hero, Isaac. You're a junkie. You couldn't even save yourself! That's why she left you Isaac. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!