The Elder Eriksen

Marshall's dad passed away in this episode. It was sad, but they left things on a great note.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Barney Takes a Stand

Barney stands up on his chair in what looks like a Tim Horton's in the upcoming episode of How I Met Your Mother, "Duel Citizenship."
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

It's Party Time, Baby

How I Met Your Mother concludes its fifth season in what appears to be typically absurd fashion. Look at these lunatics.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Marshall Calls Robin a Slut

The very sentimental Marshall (after just watching The Notebook) calls Robin a slut when she sleeps with someone for a reason other than love. What? The Naked Man isn't reason enough?
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Kal Penn on How I Met Your Mother

Kal Penn debuts here as Robin's therapist. He'll also be a love interest for the character.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Barney with a Baby

Can you imagine Barney with a baby? Considering Robin's recent news, you may not need to just imagine this scenario in a few months.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

At a Strip Joint

Barney is right at home here. He and Marshall hang out in a strip club on the episode "Double Date."
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

The Joy of Giving

Barney realizes something on this Christmas episode: giving is awesome!
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Robin Does a Shot

Robin does a shot at the strip club that Barney drags the gang to when he sees a stripper version of Lily. Wait til you see it!
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Black for a Day

Barney got to be African-American for a day on this episode of How I Met Your Mother. And we got to laugh along with him.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Laser Tag Champ

Barney needs a partner. He may need to look beyond McLaren's.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Marshall and Lily Horrified

Marshall and Lily give each other one horrified look in the season five episode, "Double Date." I guess you would too if you saw a version of yourself at a strip club.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0