Pregnant Betty

Betty Draper is more than six months along during this scene. It's taken from the episode "My Old Kentucky Home."

Smoking Peggy

Peggy has truly arrived as a copy writer. Showing off her new, daring side, she joined the boys in smoking up during a brain-storming session.

Don and Roger

Don and Roger aren't really the best of friends. Tension is palpable in this scene from "Love Among the Ruins."

Don and Betty

Don and Betty face a family problem in "Love Among the Ruins." Her father isn't doing well again.

Don Draper and Roger Sterling

This photo of Don Draper and Roger Sterling is taken from season three of Mad Men. It premieres in August of 2009.

Mad Men Season 3 Quotes

Lola: "I could listen to him read the phone book."
Peggy: "Well. When he gets to S, I need Howard Sullivan at Lever Brothers."

"I keep going to a lot of places and ending up somewhere I've already been.
