Eddie Walzer Photo

Eddie Walzer provides two things for Jackie Peyton: drugs for her pain and sex during hospital lunch breaks.
Rating: Unrated

Mo-mo Pic

Mo-mo is Jackie's close pal. He's a fellow, cynical nurse at the hospital.
Rating: Unrated

Jackie Peyton Picture

Jackie Peyton has many balls in the air. She does drugs, has an affair and takes care of two children at home.
Rating: Unrated

The Peytons

Kevin and Jackie don't spend a lot of time together. That's what happens when you have an affair with a hospital co-worker.
Rating: Unrated


Kevin and Eddie are now pals. For good reason, this bothers Jackie a great deal.
Rating: Unrated

Important Phone Call

Grace stars therapy on the episode "Monkey Bits." Her mother is on the phone in this scene from the half hour.
Rating: Unrated

Trio of Nurse Jackie Characters

Pictured here, in a scene from Nurse Jackie: Eve Best as Dr. O'Hara, Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, and Stephen Wallem as Thor.
Rating: Unrated

Return of Eddie

Eddie is back at the hospital. He reclaimed his job in the pharmacy near the end of Nurse Jackie's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Back in the Hospital

Jackie sort of welcomed Eddie back to his job on the episode "Sleeping Dogs." She told him things will have to change now. (Translation: no more afternoon cot sex!).
Rating: Unrated

The Discovery

This was the beginning of the end for Jackie, as Kevin finds her P.O. box and discovers his wife's large pharmacy bill. Yes, he's married to a drug addict.
Rating: Unrated

Season Three Premiere Scene

O'Hara and Jackie are featured in this scene from Nurse Jackie. It's courtesy of the third season premiere.
Rating: Unrated

Jackie and Fitch

Coop absolutely cracks us up. Jackie doesn't always find the doctor so humorous, though.
Rating: Unrated

Nurse Jackie Quotes

Don't ever say "ta-da." The only people that say "ta-da" are magicians or idiots.

Jackie Peyton

Percoset should never be crushed and chewed, unless you want it to hit your system like a bolt of lightening. Which is only a problem if you're afraid of lightening.

Jackie Peyton