Disappearing Act - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Both fairies are gone now, but Gideon's been left behind. We know the Black Fairy is desperate to keep her secrets buried. But how far will she go to make sure that happens?

Surprise, It's Me! - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Things make a little more sense now that the Black Fairy has appeared in Snow's place. Was she pretending to be her all along? That doesn't bode well for anyone. Especially Blue.

What's happening? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Why is Snow White choking the Blue Fairy? We've all wondered once or twice whether or not Blue is the ultimate villain due to her constant shadiness. But does Snow know something we don't?

Wake Up Time - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Snow's trying to coax the Blue Fairy out of her frozen sleep. She's the only one who might have the answers when it comes to stopping the Black Fairy.

Emma Observes - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

We can't blame Emma for keeping a close eye on Rumple and Belle. Whatever the Dark One's planning is likely to have a huge impact on her life. But can they find a peaceful solution?

Preparing for Battle? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Emma has a lot to lose as Storybrooke heads into war with the Black Fairy. She could die or she could be forced to kill Belle and Rumple's son. Neither option is promising for the savior.

Regina's on Standby - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

The formerly Evil Queen is ready to stand with Team Hero at a moment's notice. But will her mix of light and dark magic be any match for the Black Fairy's powers?

A Willing Hostage? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Gideon's used powerful magic in the past. Powerful enough to stop the Dark One in his tracks. So we can't help thinking that maybe he doesn't mind being trapped with his parents.

Stronger Together - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

It warms our hearts to see Belle and Rumple on the same page. They've been through so much. Will they be able to stop the Black Fairy and reclaim their son?

At a Loss - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Rumple's used to being the most powerful many in any room thanks to his years as the Dark One. But we've seen him sacrifice himself for his family before. Will he do it again?

Listening to Reason? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

We know the Black Fairy's controlling Gideon's heart. But he's managed not to fall completely under her spell. Will his parents be able to convince to work against her?

A Mother's Fear - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Belle missed out on seeing her son grow up because she wanted to protect him. Now that it's backfired, she's doing everything she can to make sure that he stays safe.

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19 Quotes

Emma: You could have just told me that.
Rumple: Well the Saviors have the luxury of always doing the right thing. I do not.

Emma: So you're kidnapping me now.
Rumple: I'm doing what I have to do to save my son. And this place, even the Black Fairy cannot control it.
Emma: The Dream Realm, huh? I thought there'd be like flying pigs or talking doughnuts or something.
Rumple: Well if you're not impressed, I can leave you here while I find Gideon.