Ursula - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Especially since Mr. Gold is out convincing Ursula he's got a plan that will bring them both the power they seek.

Banished from Storybrooke - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Mr Gold has been banished from Storybrooke but we don't expect to see him curling up and licking his wounds any time soon.

All Smiles - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Hook and Mary Margaret might be all smiles but we doubt Belle is feeling up for a party after she banished her husband from Storybrooke.

Regina Looks Distraught - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Regina looks distraught. Is there any chance she'll be able to find her own happy ending?

Feeling Better - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Perhaps Henry can make Regina feel better now that the love of her life has left Storybrooke forever with his wife and son.

Party of Three - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Well, it appears that Regina has joined their party. That does take the romance out of things.

An Interruption - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Is someone trying to interrupt their evening or did Hook say something to put that look on Emma's face?

A Romantic Evening - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Now that there is a lull in the drama in Storybrooke, Hook and Emma finally get to enjoy a romantic evening.

The Queens of Darkness - Once Upon a Time

The Queens of Darkness have arrived on Once Upon a Time. And, as you can see here, this does not bode well for Belle at all.

David's Looking Smug - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

David's almost looking smug. Maybe he can find a way to release Hook from Mr. Gold's evil plan.

Can Anyone Save Him - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

Since Hook is missing his heart, is there anyone in Storybrooke who can save him?

What Is Gold's Plan? - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

Mr. Gold's plan to to retain his power while ditching the dagger continues as he drags Hook down his dark path.