Cheers - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

It looks like Jesse made a new friend in New Orleans. Nothing like celebrating a new friendship than with a bottle of beer!

Men in White - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

We haven't read the comics, so we don't know who these guys are, but we bet they're important!

Okay, Jesse - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

It looks like Jesse might have done something stupid and Tulip has figured it out. The look on Tulip's face tells the story.

The Gang's All Here - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Are they just curious onlookers or witnesses to the crime?

Lighting Up - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Jesse always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Did he witness what happened to the girl?

A Dead Body - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Oh, boy. We hope Jesse and gang weren't involved in this mess. Are they being held for questioning?

Having a Drink - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Tulip looks like she has some serious stuff to talk to Jesse about. Will she convince him to leave New Orleans and try to find God elsewhere?

Dennis - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

The only question we have for Denis is why he isn't a vampire? Or is he?!

That's a Big Bottle - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Cassidy needs a huge drink after that conversation with Dennis. Will Cassidy drink the whole bottle himself?

Pleading - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

Cassidy looks like he's having a pretty serious conversation. What could it be about?

Cassidy the Bartender - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

It's nice to see Cassidy back behind the bar. Is he mixing up something special for Denis?

Jesse Interrupts - Preacher Season 2 Episode 7

So it seems the guy wasn't pointing a gun at Jesse, but Jesse still feels the need to butt his nose into Tulip's business. Doesn't he realize Tulip can take care of herself?

Preacher Season 2 Quotes

Has anyone ever told you your face is disgusting?

Inmate [to Eugene]

We're in Texas. They pretty much grow dumb-ass crazy here.
