Will Finishes a Workout

Will has to quickly finish a workout when he gets a phone call from his new boss about his Brazilian photo shoot. Doesn't look to be good news for the billionaire.

Charlie and Mandy Look Around

Charlie and Mandy (Alice Greczyn) look around their tiny apartment they now share and try to figure out how they're going to fit both of their furniture in there.

Charlie Carries Mandy

When Charlie thinks Mandy (Alice Greczyn) is ready to go on the bed he's more than happy to carry her there. Too bad she wants to talk about moving her bed in.

Charlie and Mandy

Charlie and Mandy (Alice Greczyn) get very cozy as new roommates who discuss how their new living arrangement is going to work out.

Megan Grabs the Handbag

Megan comes in to Rose's final and steals her cheating purse before she gets a chance to use it. Go Megan!

Rose Uses the Bag

Well turns out Rose is a little cheater. Here's a picture of Rose sitting down to take her final with her handbag on her desk. Hey check out that dude in a short-sleeve tuxedo shirt next to her. Tool.

Sage Gives Rose a Handbag

Even though she doesn't condone Rose cheating, Sage helps Rose by printing the answers to her History final on a custom handbag. Here she is handing over the gift.

The Infamous Handbag

Here's a picture of Rose holding up the infamous custom made handbag with all the answers from her upcoming History final. Will she continue down the path of the dark side and use it?

Charlie Defends Megan

As usual Charlie pays more attention to his friend Megan than he does to his girlfriend, Mandy. Here he is caring more about Megan's boy problems than Mandy getting evicted.

Megan Comes to Visit Mandy

Megan comes to visit Mandy (Alice Greczyn) at the Crab Shack in order to reschedule or cancel her date with Rock Om Antoine.

Marco Listens In

As Megan and Will have a conversation about their second date on Thursday, Marco casually listens in on their private conversation. We love you Marco and your love of the gossip.

Megan at Dinner with Will

Megan finally goes on her first date with Will and it's to dinner. Here's a cute picture of the beautiful Megan all dressed up for her date.

Privileged Season 1 Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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