High School Blues - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Malcolm has some repressed memories and thoughts that come about when he visits his alma mater for a murder investigation.

Killer Reflection? - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Is there a reflection of the killer in whatever place Malcolm is hiding in or is he watching a potential suspect?

Former Teacher? - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Malcolm attends his alma mater to investigate the murder of his former headmaster, but who else from his past will he encounter?

top of the class - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Gil and the team have to investigate the death of a headmaster at one of the most prestigious schools in the area.

Convincing His Shadow -Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Malcolm has a lot of self-work to do and convincing his shadow that he's worth following and maybe he can do that when he visits his alma mater.

On the Board - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Jessica Whitly is on the board of Remington, the private school that Malcolm once attended as a teen.

Taking a Dip - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3

Malcolm prepares to take a dip in the pool at his alma mater when he's investigating a case on Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 3.

Head Master is Murdered - Prodigal Son

The headmaster of Malcolm's former school is found murdered on Prodigal Son. "Alma Mater" is the third episode of the show's second season.

Jessica's Decision -Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 2

Jessica has to make a decision about her future with Gil after she overheard a troubling conversation.

Will Ainsley Remember? - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 2

Will Ainsley remember what happened on the night that Endicott died, and what will happen when she does?

Whitly Brunch - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 2

The Whitly family gather together for brunch even though they're all keeping secrets from one another.

A Devoted Dad - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 2

Martin Whitly is so many things, but he's a protective and devoted father in his own twisted little way.

Prodigal Son Quotes

 No one is born broken. Someone breaks us.


Malcolm, Malcolm, listen to me. I want you to remember something, OK? You're my son, and I love you. I will always love you because we're the same. 
