Bitter Sweets Photo

A great moment from the episode "Bitter Sweets."
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Corpsicle Photo

A great moment from the episode "Corpsicle."
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An Anna Friel Photograph

Anna Friel looks mighty excited in this photo. Maybe that's because her show, Pushing Daisies, is coming back for a second season. Hooray!
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Setting a Pace

Lee Pace says Pushing Daisies isn't meant to be a moral lesson about pre-marital sex. It's just meant to be an entertaining series.
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Pushing Daisies Characters

Here is a season two promo for Pushing Daisies. It features all of the main cast members, including Digby.
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Anna Friel and Lee Pace

Anna Friel and Lee Pace make up one-half of Pushing Daisies' core four. These two actors have great chemistry together on screen.
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Land of the Lost Picture

Anna Friel stars in next summer's family comedy, Land of the Lost. Here's a shot of the Pushing Daisies star alongside Will Ferrell.
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Season Two Poster

Here's a poster for the second season of Pushing Daisies. As it says, the new season begins October 1, 2008.
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Pic of Ned

We love Ned! This is a great promotional photo of the Pushing Daisies character, meant to hype season two.
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Emerson Cod Image

Emerson Cod is ready for season two of Pushing Daisies. The character poses for this promotional shot prior to the October 1, 2008 premiere.
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The Aunts

Lily and Vivian are back for season two of Pushing Daisies. Here's a shot of the aunts.
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Chuck Photo

Chuck is at the center of Pushing Daisies. She's the love of Ned's life, and it's not hard to see why.
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Pushing Daisies Quotes

Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem

Vivian: Charlotte was a nice girl.
Lily: With the exception of puberty.
Vivian: Which was when Lily was going through a change of life.
Lily: Impolite to talk about one's menopause in mixed company.