The Devil Attacks

The Devil attacks by simply using some sort of foce. Meanwhile, another demon stands back in shock awaiting her turn.
Rating: 3.5 / 5.0

Reaper Poster

The poster from the CW dramedy, Reaper, starring Bret Harrison as Sam Oliver, a twenty something that discovers his parents sold his soul to the Devil!
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Sam and the Vessel

Sam holds the latest vessel, which is a spear, and stands up to the Mongolian warrior in the back of a Vietnamese restaurant. Makes sense to us!
Rating: Unrated

Ben Introduces Nina

Ben introduces his new demon girlfriend, Nina (Jenny Wade) to the gang when they go out for some drinks and food. She really likes hamburger.. a lot.
Rating: Unrated

Sam and Morgan Investigate

Sam investigates the lost soul, Fitzgerald's shipping container full of all his material possessions with his half-brother Morgan (Arnie Hammer).
Rating: Unrated

Sam, Sock and Ben Find the List

Sam, Sock and Ben find a list of all the material possessions that the lost soul, Fitzgerald, has been attempting to recover. Just one thing left to go and they think it's his wife.
Rating: Unrated

Ben and Nina Work out Problems

Ben and Nina attempt to work out their problems in the bedroom. Ben's solution? Get really drunk and do Nina in her demon form. Makes sense to us.
Rating: Unrated

Armie Hammer as Morgan

Armie Hammer guest stars on Reaper in a multi-episode arc as the Devil's favorite son, Morgan. Yeah, that would make Morgan Sam's half-brother.
Rating: Unrated

Sam and Morgan Return

Sam and Morgan return to the Devil victoriously after capturing the lost soul. Well it was mostly Sam.
Rating: Unrated

The Devil and His Children

The Devil definitely plays favorites between his two kids, Sam and Morgan (Arnie Hammer). If you couldn't guess, his favorite the good looking, incredibly smooth Morgan.
Rating: Unrated

Sam, Andi and a Baby

Sam and Andi go walking past some Church pews as they carry the lost soul's baby with them. You know, pretty standard stuff... for Reaper.
Rating: Unrated

Satan Himself

Ray Wise stars on Reaper as The Devil. He steals every scene he's in. What a great character.
Rating: Unrated

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron