Olivia on Scandal

Olivia is going through a tough time. This is a photo from the Scandal episode "Spies Like Us."

Olivia Worries Over a Secret

Olivia worries over the revelation of a secret on Scandal. "Spies Like Us" is the sixth episode of the show's second season.

Scandal Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Huck: We are in my wheelhouse now...I'm supposed to be a ghost. If my name, and not my real name, but Huck, my name, the alias that goes with this life at Pope and Associates, if my name is on a list, it's time to disappear. So I can't stop.
Pope: Crosby sent the list to me, the check is in my name, too, so whatever this is, whatever I'm supposed to protect you against, that's in my wheelhouse, and we can fix this.

Abby: Huck was a trained killer spy.
Harrison: I don't think 'was' enters into it. Once a killer spy, always a killer spy, right?