Tick, Tock - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia is counting down the minutes until the power shifts back to her.

Not Impressed - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia is never the first person to admit defeat, and that's why she's calling Rowan's bluff.

The Look Out - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia is waiting for the team to arrive do dispatch her father, but what changes for her?

Gun Time! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

You would think that Rowan killing would be second nature to him by now. He threatens people on an hourly basis.

I Lose! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Rowan needs to think quickly in order to get the ball rolling on a plan of his own.

I Win! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia struts out of the situation because she thinks she holds all of the power.

20 Minutes - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia will give her father just minutes to change his mind, but we all know how stubborn he is.

Operation Kill Rowan - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia makes the kill order on her father, but why does she call it off?

Who Has Control? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

The two characters will be bickering about who is in control.

Too Weak! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia will be calling Rowan weak right about here, but what will Rowan do to get his own back?

A Gun to the Head - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Is it just us or does Olivia look too calm about having a gun held to her head?

Quinn Fights to Survive - Scandal

Will Quinn manage to escape from Rowan's clutches?

Scandal Season 7 Quotes

Quinn: Let’s order from that vegan place on 13th.
Abby: Again? That place doesn’t serve food.

Jake: This gets easier.
Olivia: Killing a patriot?
Jake: Being command.