I’ve spent enough time helping people clean up their messes.


You need to give them Command, but that doesn’t mean you need to give them me.


I did so because of you. All of you. The ones in charge, the ‘masters of the universe.’ White men, whose complacency — whose privilege — left this republic in a state of neglect.


You’re the bitch. You’re always someone’s bitch!


The sky is falling — literally falling!


He might be pretty, but he’s not that pretty.


It ends with us. It ends with us doing what’s right for the country.


It’s so lonely up here at the top. How I wish one of you would evolve so I could call myself extinct!


You think you need my applause?


You’re all sharks — you, Fitz, Cyrus and Olivia. I’ve heard things over the years. Election rigging, blackmail, murder. … Now you’re horrified and surprised that one of your sharks attacked you, behaved like a shark.


No. I did. I gave the order. By the authority vested in me… as Command of B613.


Olivia: I do not kill. Not anymore.
Mellie: 418,000 Americans died in World War II. Heroes. There is such a thing as a just war. And we are in the middle of one.

Scandal Season 7 Quotes

Quinn: Let’s order from that vegan place on 13th.
Abby: Again? That place doesn’t serve food.

Jake: This gets easier.
Olivia: Killing a patriot?
Jake: Being command.