Danny is Surprised - Still Up Season 1 Episode 3

Danny is surprised by how his date with Amy ends on Still Up. "The Date" is the third episode of the shows first season.

Lisa Has a Difficult Night - Still Up Season 1 Episode 1

Lisa has a difficult night trying to get her daughter's medicine on Still Up. "The Pharmacy" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Lisa On The Bus - Still Up Season 1 Episode 2

Lisa has an incident on the bus on Still Up. "The Dress" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Lisa Awaits Updates - Still Up

Lisa awaits updates about Danny's date with Amy on Still Up. "The Date" is the third episode of the show's first season.

Danny Is Worried - Still Up

Danny worries that he has cancer on Still Up. "The Dress" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Lisa Tries to Hide - Still Up

Lisa tries to hide from a judgy class mom on Still Up. "The Pharmacy" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Still Up Key Art

Bonded by insomnia, best friends Lisa and Danny stay connected to each other late into the night and find their way through a world of wonderfully weird surprises as their relationship deepens.

Still Up Quotes

Lisa: I saw this ad for some new pills called Snoozers. Extra strength for proper insomniacs. I should see if I can get some while I’m here.
Danny: No, don’t. They don’t knock you out. They just make everything taste like cabbage.

Lisa: So, is that your plan for the next month? Every time he’s outside, you’re just going to crawl around in the dark?
Danny: Yeah, I’m committed now. And, you know, on the bright side, think of all the money I’ll save on lightbulbs.