Niylah is Back in The Bunker - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Niylah finds herself back where she spent six years underground trying to survive with Octavia and the others.

Madi is Happy on Earth - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Madi is happy as she watches Jordan and Hope together, all while Gabriel plays music for everyone on the piano.

Sheidheda Finds His Home - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Sheidheda is presumably sent back to Earth by Cadogan to create a threat for Clarke and the others that are there.

Echo Mourns Yet Again - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Echo looks sad as always about something, which means she might have found out about Bellamy's death.

Echo and Niylah Bunk - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Echo and Niylah find time to bunk together while they are back in the bunker on Earth that they left behind.

Raven Sees a Threat - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Raven sees a threat as she tries to figure out how to fix the helmet so that they can travel back through the anomaly.

Clarke and Crew Look At A Threat - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Clarke and her friends face off with Sheidheda presumably after they find themselves back where it all started.

Hope and Murphy - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Hope and Murphy look at something together as they both find themselves in the bunker that is on Earth.

Clarke is Back on Earth Again - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Clarke has to deal with what she did on Sanctum, right after she returns to Earth through the anomaly.

Octavia Is back on Earth - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Octavia is back on Earth in the bunker after being sent through the anomaly from Bardo by Cadogan.

Hope and Jordan Together - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Hope and Jordan find comfort in one another as they see each other again in the bunker on Earth.

Hope Cries in The Bunker - The 100 Season 7 Episode 14

Hope cries all by herself in the bunker on Earth that everyone somehow ended back in through the Anomaly.

The 100 Season 7 Quotes

One of us needs to represent the Commander, and I'm hungry.


The Anomaly was on top of us then. Then she lost her memory when it receded, taking Octavia with it. But why just her? Why the memory loss? None of this makes any sense but my god it's incredible.
