Jason Butler Harner as Agent Walter Gary Martin

Agent Walter Gary Martin works a case with Agent Cooper's team

Agent Harold Cooper

Agent Cooper's on an investigation involving Red on "Berlin."

What Does Agent Martin See?

Agent Martin and his colleagues see something that grabs their attention on "Berlin."

Red Gives Liz Clue

Red sees Liz again to give her information she needs on "Berlin."

Patrick Chandler Tries to Save His Wife

Patrick Chandler (Mike Doyle) tries to save his wife after their car crashes.

Linus Roache as The Kingmaker

Linus Roache plays the Kingmaker on The Blacklist Season 1 Episode 20.

Red and Liz Walk Down the Street

Red and Liz walk down the city street in "The Kingmaker."

Red has a Creepy Smirk

Red has such a creepy smirk with his hat on the chair next to him.

Liz and Red at a Bar

Liz and Red go to a bar to work the case on "The Kingmaker."

Liz Returns Home

Liz returns home to utter destruction from her fight with Tom.

Ressler has a Beer

Ressler has a beer while he relaxes and reads the paper.

Liz Visits Donald

Liz stops by to see Donald at his apartment on "The Kingmaker."

The Blacklist Season 1 Quotes

Cooper: You have my attention.
Red: Were you wrong?
Cooper: I was wrong.

Man: It must be good to be home again, sir.
Red: Yeah. Well, we'll see about that.