Could it be True? - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax and her team want to make sure what they are looking at is what it appears to be which they hope isn't too dangerous.

The Equipment - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Specialized equipment is needed to test any sort of virus especially one as dangerous as the Ebola virus.

Not Dangerous Yet - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax tests everything that comes her way and hopes that she never finds anything that would cause a worldwide epidemic.

Checking for Leakage - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

If the virus gets out all hell will break loose and the only way to ensure it stays confined is by doing a thorough check.

Testing a Virus - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax is testing a virus to see if it's what she thinks it is. If so, many dangers lie ahead for her, her team, and the world.

Contemplation - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Ebola expert Wade Carter contemplates what Dr. Jaaz told him about what she discovered in her lab. Will Jaax's former mentor be able to help her?

Testing a Virus

Lt. Col. Nancy Jaax tests a virus from a monkey research facility that may turn out to be more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.

The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.