Bringing in a Sample - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Dr. Jaax brings in a sample after a dangerous move to get it to the Level 4 containment room. Did she make a mistake?

Jahrling Believes - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Jahrling might have doubted Nancy's assessment of the situation but he realizes that he may have been deadly wrong.

The Virus has spread - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Wade investigates another cell at the facility to see if the virus has spread and makes a startling discovery.

Fear - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Jahrling is concerned he may have gotten infected from exposure to the Ebola virus because he didn't believe what Nancy said.

Checking out a Monkey - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Wade, Dr. Jaax, and Walter approach Cell H to investigate the only monkey left alive that may have the Ebola virus.

Open Mind - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Jerry has an open mind about his wife's need to save the world, but he's also concerned about the risk she's putting herself and her family in.

A Thinking Dr. Jaax - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax has lots to think about in her role, but none more important than preventing a worldwide epidemic.

Running from Danger - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

People are evacuated after it is discovered that something dangerous may have been in their midst. Will they all get out okay?

Suited Up - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax takes every precaution to make sure she doesn't do anything to put herself or others in harm's way.

Precautions - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Every effort is made to keep the doctors safe as they test viruses to see how deadly they are.

Safety at all Costs - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax is kept in isolation after her safety suit tears while viewing a deadly virus. Has she been infected?

Comrade - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Peter Jahrling is a virologist who works with Dr. Jaax and will help her figure out if the virus is Ebola or not.

The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.