Getting Fingerprinted

Raquel has seen better days. She's arrested in this LA Complex scene.

Abby's Love Life

Abby's love life becomes more complicated than she expected on The L.A. Complex. "Taking the Day" is the fifth episode of the show's second season.

Connor & Jennifer

Connor and Jennifer do publicity for their show on The L.A. Complex. "Be a Man" is the fourth episode of the show's second season

An Angry King

Kaldrick goes off in this L.A. Complex scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Choose Your Battles."

Raquel on Connor's Show

Raquel gets a role on Connor's show on The L.A. Complex. "Choose Your Battles" is the third episode of the show's second season.

A Kiss for Connor

Krista Allen, as Jennifer, plants a kiss on Connor in this scene from The L.A. Complex Season 2.

Kaldrick Photo

Kaldrick has a lot to think about after his actions to conclude The L.A. Complex Season 2. A whole lot.

Raquel Reconsiders

Raquel reconsiders the decisions that have led her here on the season finale of The L.A. Complex. "Burn It Down" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.

Alicia's Sexy Acting Debut

Alicia hopes her sexy acting debut with help her dance career on The L.A. Complex. "Things Aren't Always What They Seem" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Alicia Receives an Unexpected Opportunity

Alicia receives an unexpected opportunity on The L.A. Complex. "Other Side of the Door" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

Sex Tape Tease

Alicia is ready to make it big. She's going all Kim Kardashian in this episode still in order to get there.

Alicia Gets a Proposition

Alicia gets an unexpected proposition on The L.A. Complex. "Who You Know" is the third episode of the show's first season.

The L.A. Complex Quotes

Abby: Filipinos 4:13.
Donald: It's Philippians. Not Filipinos.

Raquel: I hate nature.
Connor: You can't call this nature. There's a Coffee Bean like a hundred meters away.