The Pain - The Originals Season 5 Episode 10

Hope is frustrated because of the lack of results in the latest mission to avenge her mother's death.

Time to Kill - The Originals Season 5 Episode 10

Hope is faltering with the Hollow taking up residence in her body, but can Klaus help her move on before it's too late?

Moving On - The Originals Season 5 Episode 10

Josh has struggled to move on with his life ever since the death of Aiden, but will a new man help him move on?

Declan's Pain - The Originals Season 5 Episode 10

Declan knows there was more to Hayley's death than he first thought, but is he able to find it the truth in New Orleans?

Hope's Power - The Originals Season 5 Episode 10

Hope is out for revenge when she realizes that the Hollow is not about to leave her body without a fight.

Is There Hope for Hope? - The Originals

Hope has some blue-charged eyes thanks to The Hollow, but does it spell a certain doom for her?

Hope's Revenge - The Originals

Hope is ready to take down Elijah for Hayley's death, but will another member of the family be able to stop the fighting?

Farewell Elijah? - The Originals Season 5 Episode 8

Is anyone getting the impression that Elijah will sacrifice himself at the final hurdle to save everyone? It would be similar to the way Stefan went, we guess.

Does Elijah Have His Memories? - The Originals Season 5 Episode 8

Given that Elijah is likely crossing paths with Marcel, there's a good chance he has his memories back, and is feeling pretty awful.

Hope for Always and Forever? - The Originals Season 5 Episode 8

Freya will likely be letting the family know whether there's actually any hope for them after everything.

A Reunion - The Originals Season 5 Episode 8

With most of The Originals together, is it fair to assume that the Hollow's grip on their lives is over?

I'm Back - The Originals

It may be a difficult time for all, but Rebekah is back in New Orleans, and she's out for blood.

The Originals Season 5 Quotes

Vincent: Josh, I don't know how many times I have told you that what goes on in this city is no longer any of Marcel Gerard's business, okay? And guys, this is what I'm always talking about. Marcel means Rebekah, Rebekah means Kol and Elijah, and I don't even want to think about Klaus right now 'cos apparently he has lost his mind.
Freya: Oh, come on, we don't know if those rumors are true.

Vincent: Okay, so we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep.
Josh: Aw, come on, Vincent, we got this, alright? It's gone off without a hitch for what, seven years?
Vincent: Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years.