Awkward Hospital Visit

This is awkward. Tara wants to be there for Charmaine and her niece, but Charmaine doesn't want her around.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Charmaine and Neil

This photo says it all. Charmaine is trying her best to do pregnant Yoga, but Neil might very well die at any moment.
Rating: Unrated

Hoarding at Home

Max was in for a shock when he visited his mother. Her hoarding had gotten a lot worse.
Rating: Unrated

Welcome Back, T

The alters refuse to leave Tara alone. In this third season premiere pic, T makes her presence felt.
Rating: Unrated

Farewell, Family

Tara says goodbye to her family in this scene from the series finale. But we're left believing everyone is gonna be okay.
Rating: Unrated

Woman of Many Alter Egos

That's Tara for you. And how we love them all.
Rating: Unrated

Hatteras vs. Bryce

Hello there, Bryce. Dr. Hatteras meets Tara's new, scary alter in this scene.
Rating: Unrated

Max and Marshall in NYC

Max and Marshall take a trip to NYC on season three of United States of Tara. They proceed to get into an argument.
Rating: Unrated

Meeting Bryce

Bryce isn't pictured here, but the looks on the family say it all. She/he is making his/her presence felt.
Rating: Unrated

Marshall and Grandma

Will Marshall find the answers he craves while living with his grandmother? The troubled teen hopes so.
Rating: Unrated

A Gregson Heart-to-Heart

Max is worried about his wife when season three kicks off. We soon learn that he has good reason to be.
Rating: Unrated

Max, The United States of Tara

Max is a character on The United States of Tara. He's played by actor John Corbett.
Rating: Unrated