Jake Gets Math Homework

Jake is dating a nine year old at school in order to get her help on his math homework. Here he is on the phone with her with Charlie in the background.

Charlie and Russell

Charlie visits his favorite pharmacist, Russell (guest star Martin Mull) to pick up plenty of medicine and tampons for his very sick fiancee, Chelsea.

Charlie Proposes

After Chelsea accidentally swallows Charlie's engagement ring at dinner, Charlie tries to propose to Chelsea without a ring in order to hear her say, "I love you."

Charlie and Chelsea Watch Basketball

Charlie and Chelsea watch a game of basketball and discuss Chelsea going to her ex-mother-in-law's funeral and spending the night with her ex-husband. Enter the jealousy!

Charlie and Chelsea

Charlie lays in bed with Chelsea as she's crying about the state of their relationship. Apparently she doesn't enjoy staying in every night watching tv and eating Chinese food.

Melissa Covers Jake's Ears

As Melissa toasts to Alan on his surprise birthday., she covers Jake's ears as she declares what a great kisser he is.

Alan and Herb

Alan comes over to help Herb (Ryan Stiles) paint the nursery for the daughter he is convinced is his and not Herb's.

Charlie Meets Jerome

Charlie meets his new neighbor, former NFL player, Jerome "Mad Dog." Jerome has a cute daughter, Celeste, that Jake seems very into and her very into him.. for reasons unknown.

Two and a Half Men Season 6 Quotes

Chelsea: What are you doing?
Charlie: You know what happens when we spoon
Chelsea: I'm sick!
Charlie: So am I!

You know when dogs are sick they hide until they feel better.. probably why they're man's best friend
