Quinn convinces Rachel to get her dad help - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

After Rachel's dad makes a scene on set, Quinn talks her into getting him real help.

Jeremy stands up for Rachel! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Tension on set is at an all time high after Rachel's dad disrupts filming to yell at Quinn. When cast and crew laugh at the scene dad makes, Jeremy is not having it! "Show some respect!"

Asa Confronts Quinn! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Rachel's hiding her dad on set. If only he would stay hidden! When Rachel loses track of him, she finds Asa on set, yelliing at Quinn for mistreating his daughter. It will serve as the final straw to force Rachel to get her dad real help.

Grand romantic gesture: the Flower Wall - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Who pulled this romantic gesture off while Serena was on her date with Guy? Someone with both the resources and need to show his feelings for the Suitress.

Guy Wins Serena over with her mouth - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

In Serena's own version of speed dating, she get's a taste of Guy's cooking. Her mouth seems to like what he's serving!

Quinn is all smiles on the field. - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Quinn is all smiles as she spearheads a game of Skins versus Skins! Thank you, Quinn!

Jasper and Owen work out their aggressions! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Jasper and Owen have never been big fans of one another. Now that the competition's heating up, the men are bulking up. But will the suitor with the biggest muscles be the one to win?

Serena none too pleased, Sopping wet in a towel. - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

What's wrong NOW Serena? This woman always has a puss on her face! Oh... a random man walked into your bathroom? Eh... would it kill you to roll with the punches?

Skins vs. Skins! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

We've heard of Shirts nersus Skins but Skins versus Skins? Genius! Love you, Quinn King!

Jay, Alexi, and Xavier... Awkward! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Xavier surprises boyfriend Jay on set, but he's the one who gets the real surprise!

Quinn and Chet: What a Team! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

Quinn cooking up a bit of drama is always yummy. But Quinn and Chet scheming together make for a most delicious treat!

Yowsa! The abs of a superstar! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 6

The hot bods on the volleyball court just get hotter and hotter! I mean... when was the last time you saw abs like these IRL?

UnREAL Season 3 Quotes

Quinn: I need Everlasting to get back up and running so I can rebuild my empire. 
(Rachel won't look at her.) 
Quinn: Fine, you  want me to say it? 
I need you. I miss you.

Jay: Oh my god is that Madison?
Rachel: What happened to the pigtails?
Jay: Did you hear she sold a pilot?
Rachel/Jay: Slut!