Sgt. Pinkerton and Lisa McVey

Sgt. Pinkerton and Lisa McVey walking together in an emotional moment.

David James Elliott as Sgt. Pinkerton

David James Elliott plays Sgt. Larry Pinkerton who specializes in sex crime.

Heels Quotes

Jack: That's not fair. You put sex on my mind before church. How dare you?
Staci: Well, after church we can go see a movie. I'll leave my underwear in the car.

Ace: What? You made cuz I said fuck? They loved it!
Jack: We got kids who come to the show, Ace.
Ace: Yeah. To see me! I mean, listen to that!
Jack: When you're in the ring, you stick to my script.
Ace: Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! You hear that?