School Chums - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 4

The unlikely of people have come together to hang out at Riverdale High. Why would Alice, Penelope, Sierra, Hermione, Fred, and FP be together?

Girls Washroom - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 4

Younger Alice, Sierra, and Hermione are hiding out in the girls' bathroom. Penelope is handing out notes for tardiness.

Riverdale High 1992 Season 3 Episode 4

Riverdale is heading back for a full-blown flashback to the early years of the 1990s. The main cast portrays the younger versions of their parents.

Wishmaker - Riverdale

A young Sierra, Penelope, and Hermione look stunned after a big development at their high school. Sierra has her children's toy to provide guidance, if needed.

Emancipation - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 22

Cheryl is getting one step closer to finally being free of Penelope and her villainous family.

Cousin Confidant - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 20

With The Black Hood running around town, Betty is turning to her distant Blossom cousin Cheryl to help with a suspicion about a suspect.

Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse! - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

The group needs to get it together before the big day. Cheryl, the star, seems to be whipping them into shape and commanding the attention.

The Spotlight - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

The bright musical lights are shining down on all of our favorite Riverdale High students. Who will shine in the musical numbers?

Diva - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

Cheryl Blossom is a natural stage star, but from the look on her face, she might be demanding a little bit more than just the spotlight.

Musical Number: In - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

The students of Riverdale High practice and perform the opening number of Carrie: The Musical, "In".

Carrie Musical Poster - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

Betty, Josie, Cheryl, Veronica and Archie star in the Riverdale High hit musical, Carrie: The Musical.

Cousin Confidant - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 13

Why does Cheryl look so concerned for Betty? Could this be a new side to the queen bee than we've normally seen?

Madelaine Petsch Quotes

Betty: Why are you asking me so many questions about Polly? Cheryl?!
Cheryl: Because, you dumb cow, someone shot my brother and I think it was your crazy tweaked-out sister.

Kevin: Is cheerleading still a thing?
Cheryl: Is being the gay best friend still a thing?!