Who had the best romance of 2014?

Vote for the best romance of 2014!

Who do you think was responsible for the explosion at 15 Division?

Who is responsible for the explosion at 15 Division?

Should the officers of 15 Division always have to wear cameras on the job?

Should the officers have to wear those body mounted cameras all the time?

Should Dov confide in Chloe about Chris' drug addiction?

Should Dov tell Chloe about Chris' drug addiction?

Choose your favorite Summer TV Bromance.

Who is your favorite summer TV bromance?

Should Dov turn Chris in?

Should Dov turn Chris in for his drug use on Rookie Blue?

Which is your favorite show returning to TV this summer?

Choose your favorite returning summer show.

Do you want to see Nick and Gail get back together?

Would you want Nick and Gail to give romance another chance?

Would you prefer Sam or Andy's vacation scenario?

Would you prefer Sam or Andy's vacation scenario on Rookie Blue?

Will you miss Duncan Moore?

Will you miss Duncan Moore if this is the end of his time at 15 Division?

Are Gail and Holly meant to be together?

Are Gail and Holly meant to be?

What is the best procedural on television?

What is the best procedural on television?

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw