Lloyd: Ari, I've worked 18 hours a day to save up the money to put myself through Stanford Business School. While I was there, I cleaned the cafeteria during hours I wasn't studying and still graduated top of my class. Only to take a job delivering mail to unappreciated overpaid little cocksuckers, then to finally get the big promotion that would allow me to answer your phones and be both racially and sexually harassed for the next nine months. But I know the endgame, and you, Ari Gold, you are it! So stop your fucking whining and go into your gorgeous three million dollar house, with your beautiful goddess wife, and figure out how you're going to make both of our lives happen tomorrow!
Ari: That was a good speech Lloyd. Man if I was 25 and liked cock, we could be something

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Ari Gold, Lloyd
Entourage Season 2 Episode 11: "Exodus"
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Entourage Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Ari: You know what? I haven't stopped thinking about you. Baby, you're my everything!
Mrs. Gold: Lloyd, what the hell is wrong with him?
Lloyd: He's in love, is all! Good night

Ari: Come on. Baby. This is our song. You are my life. Now I'm not going in that house until you dance with me, right now. Come on.
Mrs. Gold: Music's gone, Ari.
Ari: That's weird, but I can still feel it!