Ortegas: You gonna say it? Your thing?
Spock: My what?
Ortegas: Your thing. Y’know, everyone in the chair has their thing.
Uhura: Captain Pike always says, ‘Hit it’
Mitchell: My last captain liked to say, ‘Zoom’
Spock: Must I have a thing? [to Ortegas] Do you have a thing?
Ortegas: Well. I’ve been workshopping, ‘Vamoose’ but it’s supposed to be about you. What kind of commander are you? All that. So… no presh.
Spock: I would like the ship to go. Now.
Ortegas: Aye-aye, captain.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 1: "The Broken Circle"
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

M’Benga: Increased heart rate. Heightened pain in neck, jaw, and lower back. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were experiencing what we humans call stress.
Spock: That is atypical.

Una: Don’t start a fight you can’t win. You taught me that.
Pike: You didn’t start this. They did. And we’re going to find a way to win because it’s what’s right.
Una: There’s the Boy Scout in you again.