Dr. Malaya Pineda: Well, what about Guthrie? He's been here since dial-up.
Jesse Salandar: Dial-up wasn't that long ago.

Jefferson: How do we stop them?
Gambi: We can't. These guys are every bit as good as Delta force or SEAL teams.

I keep getting pulled back in. It's like he annoys me so much I just want to kiss his stupid face.


You quit giving somebody a second chance they stop having one. I need your help on this.


Neal: Where's Diana's briefcase?
Mozzie: She took it back to the She-gal nest.

I don't know I think we've done absolutely everything you can do to prepare for the day. I've updated our contacts, I have gotten quotes from suppliers. I have sent out an E-vite for our big grand opening pancake luncheon. Six yeses, one maybe, only eleven noes. Um, and 788 not yet replieds. But of that group, 782 have viewed it.


What's taking so long? She goin' into labor?


Layton: I just want to go home.
Pike: How can you get back home if you don't even know what you're looking for?

Elaine: Guess who I bumped into. Owen.George: He's alright?Elaine: Yeah, he's almost fully recovered. He told me he was just using me for sex.

Shut up, she's leading the mission.


Jaq: There's sand in my boots.
D'avin: That's silica dust.
Jaq: There's silica in my boots.

TK: Maybe this marriage is a bad idea.
Carlos: OK, that surprised me. Hey, what's going on?
TK: Do you see me as a project?
Carlos: A project?
TK: Like something that needs fixing, like a bird with a broken wing or a tragic case that needs fixing.
Carlos: No, what are you talking about?