Think of the kleenex box cozies!


Just because you like to hang out in your underwear on your couch doesn't mean the United States of America wants to see it.

Jack Dahl

Jack: You OK?
Andy: You fall in love, and you just assume that will be enough. That good sex and feeling like you might die if you can’t kiss that person every day will be enough to hold you together, but then when life hits you hard and choices need to be made, you realize you don’t really know the person you thought you loved.
Jack: Is this a bad time to ask for relationship advice?
Andy: You finally going to tell me what’s going on with you and Inara.
Jack: She’s moving to Cali to be with her sister, and she didn’t ask me to come along. Marsha thinks she wants me to, but I don’t know. Should I propose to her, or let her go?
Andy: The fact that you’re asking me that isn't a clue for you. OK, look, I married Robert one night after telling each other all of our thoughts, and we haven’t had a conversation like that since. We confused lust for love, protocols for respect. I don’t know what to tell you. All I’m saying is you have to decide if the thought of losing her is worse than the thought of changing your life to be with her.

Hope: I don't want to.
Hayley: Are you scared it's going to hurt?
Hope: I'm scared if do this, you're going to pick a fight and The Hollow... she can hurt you.

We really are living in a golden age for perverts.


You can't just have a baby in a workplace, Annabeth, because they are needy, and they are noisy, and they are so much work. Okay, you can't just drop a bomb on someone like this because a baby changes everything. Everything!


Kane: Are we really back to this? On the Ark, you did anything you wanted. Without a second thought about the consequences.
Abby: On the Ark, I did what I needed to do, and I was right. Just like now.

Mario: So, explain it to me. You're a straight man, who became a woman, and now you're a lesbian. I mean, that's it, right?
Beth: I've always loved women. That didn't change when I became one. And you know, it's not that complicated. You make it sound like it's the Pythagorean theorem.

Conrad: There must be someone closer to him than me. We're making progress, but there is a twenty-year gap.
Nic: He doesn't have anyone but you.
Conrad: That's kind of a testament to how he lives his life. Here he is sick. No one is visiting. I don't want this responsibility.
Rose never leaves her father's side, they finish each other's sentences. I barely know my father.
Nic: Well maybe you should fix that.

The Scoia’tael mean well, but elfkind cannot win fuelled by pain and anger alone. Hope is vital. The elves need a story lost to time. One of the few that overcame the many. The Story of the Seven.


Whoa, an American high-five! How perfectly vulgar.


Eli: I believe that God spoke to you. I just think that you heard him wrong. He sent you a doctor... he sent you a rabbi... and now he sent me.
David Green: A doctor, a rabbi and a lawyer... sounds like the start of a joke.