It's been 20-years later, I've been working my ass off and I am finally on the brink of something special and real and fulfilling. And I will be damned if I let this stupid knee destroy another one of my dreams.


Kristen: I know who my friends are and aren't.
EJ: Gabi Hernandez is not your friend.
Kristen: And neither are you.

Bo: You don't care. You don't die. And, I trust you.
Dyson: Friends with benefits.
Bo: But definitely just friends.
Dyson: Deal.

Morgan: Baby? Babe? What are you doing? Why are you still up?
Savannah: Sorry. Sorry if I woke you up. Hospital just called. Six call pileup on the east end. Oh - Rusty will probably need a walk in a few hours. Do you mind taking him out? I already filled his bowl, so he should be good for now. Eggs and juice are in the fridge so feel free to help yourself. I made a fresh pot of coffee. Make sure you unplug it when you're done. Don't forget to lock up when you leave.

Stealing from foster kids. That's "klassy" with a K, my friend.


I'm not Daddy. Or Miranda. I'm not even a persona at all. I'm the infection that's been festering inside Kay since personas even existed. Every doubt, every fear, every hurt. I'm the wound you can't help but scratch. Your scratching gave me life. Day after day, Kay's pain made me stronger. Now, I've taken control.


Yes, Admiral. In another of the post-Plague ironies, one of the great strategists of war has become a pacifist.

Montano [to Tom]

All this time, my father taught me starship mechanics, astrophysics, linguistics, information technology, and I never questioned why. He was preparing me for this ship.


Right now, I'm feeling pretty disconnected from some people I'm close to.


Chinese tourist: How are we supposed to get back to shore?
Frank: That's your problem. Welcome to Philly!

What we are is artists. Time is our canvas, and this is our brush.


I'm gonna be the greatest Ultimate Robot Fighter ever. Float like a floatbot, sting like an automatic stinging machine!
