Rok: Dal and the admiral need to go… out there.
Dal/Janeway: You mean you want me to exit a starship, go to the middle of a warp bubble, and make physical contact with my own body? Listen, I was once transformed into a salamander. Nothing can be as difficult as that. Let’s do it!

It's not like a Sonny Von Bulow coma.


Jordan: Carla?
Carla: Hm?
Jordan: You're one of them bossy-pants types who always tells people their problems whether they ask for it or not, right?
Carla: I like to think I've learned when to hold back.
Jordan: You're in.
Carla: You've totally lost sight of what's important, here. You are a parent now, okay? You don't come first anymore-
Jordan: No.
Carla: You've got to do what's best for your son, even if it means sucking up to the one doctor on earth who's more obnoxious than you are.
Jordan: Well...
Carla: Oh, my God. I loved doing that so much, it makes my hand shake a little!

My damn mother.

Kanan [to Famous]

Leslie: What kind of birds do you guys eat?
Raul: Chickens.
Leslie: Us too. Amazing.

Kayla: Whitley King was one of your patients?
Marlena: According to her file, she had several sessions. Sessions in the Fall of 2021.
Kayla: Well, that explains it.
Marlena: Yeah. That's why I am only remembering it right now.
Kayla: In the Fall of 2021, you were possessed.

Oh frack. We got the policia. We gotta get out of here.


Open your eyes, Teresita, or someone will shut them for you.


Zoya: Me first!
Julien: Wait!
Zoya: I need to shower.
Julien: So do I.
Zoya: I thought you already did. I heard the water.
Julien: I ran it for steam. It's part one of my three-part skincare routine. Used to be ten, but new research shows that all you need is a cleanser, moisturizer, and a sunblock...
Zoya: I'm not following.
Julien: A bunch of dermatologists...
Zoya: No, I mean, I don't care. And I need to get in there. Some of us have hair. Why don't you go put together an outfit in your closet... What, you know, used to be my bedroom. And by the time you're done, maybe I can see myself in the full-size mirror again.
Julien: If my stuff is an imposition, I'll just... I'll...
Nick: Everything okay here? You're sharing well with your sister, Z?

Sean: We're going to be alright. We're going to be okay. I love you so much and I'm going to do everything. Okay? I love you.
Leila: I love you.

No, you do not want me to start over. You want me to run away like you did. I want to go to MMI. I deserve to go to MMI, and I'm not letting Peter take that away from me, and I'm sure as hell not letting you take it away from me either.


I'm the wealthiest homeless person in Manhattan.
