You don't need 20 year old glucose clogging up your system.

Hank[to Evan]

Peter: If you could just show me where to set up.
Wesley: I'm sorry.
Peter: My office - where is it?
Wesley: Peter - this is your office.

Whatever you do, don't lose hope.


George: So you could use it to go back to, say, London in the 1800s.
Archie: I'm a brown woman. Why would I want to?
George: Yeah. OK. Fair enough.

Lucifer has never been one to face his emotions. Instead of looking in, he acts out.


He keeps asking about an office. I mean who has offices anymore, what is this mad men?


Shit! Ninjas! Oh, fucking hell!


Rus is a cop. You're a pathologist. This isn't your thing.


Betcha my dad has a date tonight. Probably has four or five.


This one was different. It wasn’t just another video of an innocent Black man being shot by police. This wasn’t an officer making a split-second decision that resulted in another Black man losing his life. This wasn’t fight or flight or panic-induced impulse or unconscious bias or unnecessary escalation. This was the unarmed murder of a defenseless compliant Black man in the middle of the street in broad daylight right in front our eyes, all of our eyes.


Owen: Any luck?
Amelia: No.
Owen: Any longer and I may need to have her admitted.

Let me break down toddlers for you. They eat, poop, sleep, and play. Help them out with any of one of those things, and you're gold.
