How could you?

Beth [to Dean]

We all make each other miserable!


You heavier than you look, child.


I know. I'm all messed up. One minute I'm fine, then I'm furious, then I'm numb. The truth is I'm just not ready to talk about what happened yet.


Fiona: What if he shows remorse?
Carl: What's that?
Fiona: It means you say you're sorry.
Carl: I'm not.

I'm not a stalker - I'm a long time fan.


Beth: Market Equities.
Roarke: Schwartz and Meyer! You're Bob Schwartz's girl.
Beth: I'm nobody's girl.
Roarke: You're somebody's girl.
Beth: OK, let's stop talking in Billy Joel songs for starters, OK? The sporting club.
Roarke: Jackson Browne.
Beth: What?
Roarke: Somebody's Girl. That's Jackson Brown.
Beth: Oh, my mistake, you fucking cheese dick.

Nolan: There's a lot of sensitive material on there. What did he see?
Louise: Don't much matter now. Who's he gonna tell?

OHoward: Look at you, Howard.
Howard: Believe me, I'm looking.
OHoward: Not long ago, I sent you over there like a doe in the woods. Now you're a Spyhunter, bringing me actionable intelligence. I think you owe me some gratitude.
Howard: For what?
OHoward: For waking you the fuck up! What were you before me? Pathetic little meek, sad sack, loyal hubby with your flowers on the nightstand and your fucking poetry. Now look at ya. Now there's something breathing behind those eyes. Are you enjoying yourself with my family?
Howard: They hate you.
OHoward: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Howard: Although, less and less lately. It really hasn't taken that much to steer your life out of a skid. A little kindness. A little attention. You'd be amazed the difference it makes. Where's MY gratitude?
OHoward: You love it, don't you? Running around poking your nose into all the little details of my life, every fiber of my being.
Howard: We've been helping you.
OHoward: We, again.

Parker: I know there's no excuse for a teacher having a relationship with a student.
Churlish: A relationship? That's what you're calling it?
Parker: We were her mentors.
Fin: Mentors? You and your wife were using her for threesomes.

Your bubbly is flat. Your cherries are stale. And your girls? Are cheaper than your suit.

Technical Boy

Rouge: Now it's time for you all to start answering my questions. Starting with, 'Where is Niles Caulder?'
Cliff: He is deader than shit. God damn, I love saying that.