Pablo gave his life for this mission. I plan to finish it.


I am not a man who needs a legacy. I want a new adventure.


Hey kids - playing nice?


I’m ready for that welcome home hug now.


Fifty-six boxes of bottles of beer on the wall, fifty-six boxes of bottles of beer, you take one down and pass it around, fifty-five boxes of bottles of beer on the wall!

</i> Principal Skinner and Martin

Amanda: It's good to see you, Ari
Ari: I can't say the same.

Tomas: You said I have nothing. You are wrong. I have love, I have hope, and I have faith. These things are not weaknesses. They make me what I am.
Faux Marcus: And what's that?
Tomas: An exorcist.

Uh, Assistant Secretary Thompson is here, presumably to share the diplomatic equivalent of a high five.


We are bulletproof, pun intended.


You know, it's hard enough being a cop these days. Last thing we need is losing one of our own.


Oh help! Can anybody hear me? Julie? I need you to try to unlock the door. Oh, what am I saying, she's two. Okay, I need you to unbuckle yourself and try to find a neighbor. But don't cross the street! Just tell the neighbor that your mommy's stuck in a big truck!


He’s what we call a slug, just doing his time. Allergic to real police work.
