We're playing a game for a million dollars and something as simple as a...cellphone can bring you to tears. You realize you're playing this game with people, not just competitors.


Connie: I just don’t want you to repeat my mistakes and fall for another cowboy who’s going break your heart.
Missy: Austin didn’t break my heart, Mom. He died. And he was nothing like Dad.

After Layla died, I think her friends were afraid to come by. It's really nice to talk about her.

Mrs. Gregory

You're my half brother. You know who else was my half brother? Tommy! Tommy who I tried to kiss. I tried to kill my half brother before my real father killed him! That's how screwed up I am!


There's not a damn thing I can charge him with. I can't prosecute a man for thinking about killing someone.


Moishe Maisel: They’re planning a very sensitive covert mission. They can’t think with you galloping in and out like you’re pulling a carriage around Central Park.
Shirley Maisel: If I’m a horse, then you’re an ass!

Maya: Oh my god, I forgot we were writing our own vows. Oh my god, I got so excited about it. I’m so sorry.
Carina: No, no, no, this is perfect. It’s OK. Listen to yourself. Queen of the clipboard Maya Bishop was so excited about something that she forgot. I love that.
Maya: I love you, and I choose you forever.
Carina: I don’t need to say anything else. We’re good.

I am going to need your help to tell Owen and you are going to have to tell Meredith. She's been telling me I'm crazy for years and, uh, this makes her right. I hate that. I hate that more than anything.


The year, 2004. America was still able to enjoy the music of R. Kelly without feeling guilt.


Fred Johnson became infected with the cause of his own enemy.

U.N. Deputy Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala

The blouse is like a soufflé that flopped.


Lim: What?
Claire: You're smiling. [pause] Oh my God. YES!!! I approve.