I need you to use all of your police contacts to get me all the information on the night my car blew up.


How do you brush your hair?

Charlotte [to Cosima]

Malcolm: I'll check the RPG site.
Nyssa: I'll accompany you.
Malcolm: It's almost like you don't trust me, Nyssa.
Nyssa: That's exactly while I'll accompany you.

Jake: Why was it stupid?
Alan: Because he had sex with someone he doesn't love.
Charlie: No, no, because I had sex with someone who knows how to disable the alarm system

Why do I get the feeling your sister was going to walk around nude today with or without the shoot?


Brett: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’ve been in a tailspin over it.
Kidd: How was the kiss? I mean was it good?
Brett: It was. So not helpful, Stella.
Kidd: My bad.
Brett: I just need to put it behind me and move on. I can do that. There are good men who aren’t deep down still in love with their exes, right? I mean you found Severide.

Monica: I have to say this whole thing has been a learning experience for me. I'm thinking about turning over a new leaf. Nyla: I won't hold my breath.

I barely got out of that store alive. The shelves were totally empty, completely wiped out. It’s like we’re living the apocalypse.


Jamie: You can take yourself off the lawsuit.
Callie: Yeah, or you can take yourself off the Anwei account.

The world's growing smaller every day, thanks to Hexgates. And now, we're cut off. The topsiders are leaving us further and further behind.


I would always believe that one day, my love would be requited. Nobody can tell me it wasn't.

Catherine [to the camera]

You like a full-figured TV like you like a full-figured woman.
