Marcus: I can't follow in your footsteps.
Matthew: My son, you are the only one that I trust to do the job.

Marnie: Ray broke up with me. Can you believe it?
Hannah: Kind of, yeah. I mean, you're, like, a horrible cunt to him, so...

One year, two hundred and twelve days of torture. Of agony, my friends. My followers. But I have returned to give meaning to your suffering. Today is the day we reclaim our empire.


Hermann: Welcome. Don't screw up the checks. The first and the fifteenth.
Nicki: Oh, I will!

Maggie: Did you get any sleep?
Vanessa: Didn't we just have this conversation a week ago?
Maggie: And I'm allowed to ask you if you're taking care of yourself.

Andy: We have such a roller coaster thing, Karen and I.
Jim: Excuse me?
Andy: Roller-coastery friendship. Hot and cold. On again, off again. Sexual tension-filled type of deal. It's very Sam and Diane.
Jim: Wow.
Andy: From Cheers.
Jim: Yup.
Andy: Yeah.

It's the dweeby one. Gary.


Isabel: I need to get a life, and I need to get my nose out of books. And I've tried before, but the world... it's SO MUCH. And books are where I feel safe.
Elena: You don't feel safe in the real world?
Isabel: I feel out of step, like I don't really belong. And I'm worried my whole life is one big 'no, thank you' when I want it to be a 'YES'!

Andre: She certainly has a nerve showing up here!
Kate: Well she didn't stay long, apparently.
Andre: Well it's probably cause Chad had the sense to throw her out.
Chad: I did nothing of the sort.
Andre: Have you forgotten what she did to Father?
Chad: No, she owns it. She feels terrible.
Andre: Does she? Well, she shot a helpless old man in cold blood.

Good. We'll do it this afternoon after the shopping. May as well strike while the iron is hot.

Serena Joy

What? My brother's not the only one who can mess with a gadget.

D'avin [to Corin]

In the wrong hands, math can be manipulated, abused. I decided to do something about it. You catch people who murder other people. I catch people who murder math.
