The object you're using to kill people, whatever it is.

Wow, looks like glitter is making a comeback.

Artie, I just lot my partner you can't expect me to dive right back into a case.

And now the sultan of suckwad over there is trying to kill me.

Oh ho ho, in your face grim reaper!

She raised her eyebrow at this... and walked on.

Yeah Steve, no problem, I'll just, like, forget everything about our awesome friendship if you'll just tell me why you are being such a tool!

Steve: What the hell is a BFFE?
Claudia: Best Friend Forever.

Yeah, not exactly the adjective I'd use right now.

Cashier: That's weird.
Claudia: Not when you get to know us.

That would be lying and if there is one thing I would never do...

Did you just Mrs. Frederick me?